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14-10-2014, 09:22Warez (Автор: kinogrants)

Видео-запись игры и потокового видео
- Recording of WOW, Minecraft, and various Windows programs
- MPEG-1, Xvid and MJPEG video codec support
- PCM and MPEG-1 Layer II audio codec support
- AVI video format(.avi)support
- MPEG-1 video codec VBR mode support

Захват изображения игры и потокового видео
- BMP, PNG and JPEG image format support
- Continuous image capturing

Управление частотой кадров(FP)
- FPS overlay
- FPS limit

Whats New:
1. Bandicam now supports the.mp4 container.
2. Added support for the Media Foundation AAC encoder(Windows 7 or higher)
3. Added support for the AMD APP H.264 encoder(VCE)of AMD Embedded G-Series GPUs(HD 8330E/8310E/8400E/8280E)
4. The "User enhanced capture method(faster, only DirectX 9)" option is unchecked by default.
5. The buffer size in the blocked process list has been doubled.
6. Bugs fixed
- Reduced an error while calculating the time of video frames.
- Failed to use the AMD H.264 encoder if the PC has more than 2 AMD graphics cards.
- Recording status could not be displayed well in the 'DirectX/OpenGL mode' mode on some computers.
- A logo created by GIMP, a free graphic editing program, couldn't be displayed correctly.
- Other minor bugs fixed.

Операционная система: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
Год выхода: 2014
Язык интерфейса: multilanguage/русский
Снадобье: crack
Размер: 9,4 Мб
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